Are some traditions abuse or a religious freedom?

Religion always strikes up debate and passion... wars over it, to some our eternal future is at steak. So this page will stir up defenses and controversy.
 Maybe it should, because I don't have the answers all I know is when were hurting children it is wrong.
Truth has holds no secrets, and yet so many secrets are surfacing. All life needs boundaries and so someone needs to be the bad guy and say something so everyone hears. Advocate for the people who have no voice or choice.... simple as that. Welcome to all the respectful and insightful comments... but if your a bully or abusive with your comments you may move on and let others who are not triggered to explore.

دين يضرب دائما النقاش والعاطفة ... الحروب أكثر من ذلك، إلى بعض مستقبلنا الأبدي هو في شريحة لحم. لذلك فإن هذه الصفحة إثارة الدفوع والجدل. ربما ينبغي، لأنني لم يكن لديك اجابات كل ما اعرفه هو عندما تضر الأطفال من الخطأ. الحقيقة قد لا يحمل الأسرار، وبعد الكثير من الأسرار حتى تطفو على السطح و. الحياة كلها تحتاج الحدود وشخص ما يحتاج إلى أن يكون شريرا وأقول شيئا حتى يسمع الجميع. الدعوة إلى الناس الذين لا صوت لهم أو الاختيار .... البساطة. مرحبا بكم في جميع التعليقات محترمة والبصيرة ... ولكن إذا كان لديك 1 الفتوة أو مسيئة مع تعليقاتكم قد نمضي قدما وتدع الآخرين الذين لم يتم تشغيلها لاستكشاف.

News Articles at the Bottom of Page for Reference.
Thank you

Well I don't have it in me to show the graphic photos of Female Genital Mutilation (some say not the same as circumcision) .F.G.M., but in some situations Countries have had no sedation for this process even on children, and the weapons for FGM are not sterile. I cant imagination the suffering people go though just because a parent or community belief system defends their ways as  honorable or done for religious convictions.

This site gives a lot of background and coverage on the wide spread practice that is still accepted in modern societies.
Why spill the water of your springs in public ? Holy Scriptures!
To be out on display... literally bound or forced in some cases.....and what about later when it is time to have a baby? How many times does a woman need to be ripped apart?

لماذا تسرب المياه من الينابيع الخاص في العام؟ الكتاب المقدس!
لتكون بعيدة عن الشاشة ... الالتزام حرفيا أو القسري في بعض الحالات ..... وماذا عن لاحقا عندما يحين الوقت لإنجاب طفل؟ كم مرة لا امرأة تحتاج إلى مزق؟
In this modern age of inclusion and dignity for all, the reasons why people hold onto practices that cause harm... even causing death and more divisions contrary to love disturbs me.
في هذا العصر الحديث من الشمول والكرامة للجميع، والأسباب التي تجعل الناس التمسك الممارسات التي تلحق ضررا ... وفاة تسبب حتى والمزيد من الانقسامات على عكس الحب يقلقني.

 No, I personally don't endorse circumcision in boys  either.... because were past the age when this was done for cleanliness and distinction purposes in the old testament.

Jehovah Witness's do not want to harm their child, so refusing blood transfusions actually does not effect the outcome because there are other medical treatments or options to help a person .
They are choosing alternative medical treatment, or like most parents would do, they look at all the options and choose the best for their child.  But if it is life or death, no time to debate, or your refusing ANY treatment that puts a child in danger, that's another matter and the ministry or doctors can take over and so they should These professional doctors have an obligation to represent the child, and are following the law's of the land. Especially if it is life or death! Done deal! It is out of the parents hands, and I personally feel we need laws that take over when anyone's religious beliefs have practices that harm children because we need to protect children.  If you want only natural that is fine, but in Canada your children cannot be neglected and have the right to education, and so many other things that some religions remove from children. Education should be monitored, and evaluated when a child is home schooled or when there separated from the rest of society. Because some kids are conditioned for the practices I have mentioned on this page. Long story short...... no religion or parent has the right to butcher or disfigure their children, elderly, or weak. Practices that may cause death shouldn't be allowed  unless it is an informed, free, adult choice. Self injury is one thing, but effecting others is wrong.

Abuse occurs when people mistreat or misuse other people,
showing no concern for their integrity or innate worth as individuals,
and in a manner that degrades their well being.

الاعتداء يحدث عندما يكون الناس يسيئون معاملة أو إساءة استخدام أشخاص آخرين،
يظهر أي اهتمام لسلامتهم أو قيمتها الفطرية كأفراد،
وعلى نحو يحط من رفاهيتهم.

 I believe that most religious beliefs have all been adjusted over the course of history one society called this "the light got brighter as we reach the end". I have heard from different religions that the scriptures have been modified for a better common understanding, also that theirs been new profits, or translations are missing pages while others have been found. Some religions apologized for their past, and I have also felt some wont ever change and cling to trudition. There are religions and practices that are still active today that predate Christ, some worship many Gods, there is mythology, wikka, ferries, some call them cults while others call their belief mother earth. Still others have no God at all, maybe evolution but we all need to respect anothers life choices, their freedom to choose and give everyone their voice. Maybe keeping religion and politics separate in such a diverse world would protect the most vulnerable from being victims of abuse. Abuse is everywhere in many forms, and we need better laws to protect people from religions and traditions that take away choices and quality of life for another. Castrate when your an adult when it is an adult choice without force but not our children. Some religions beat their head, even cut foreheads almost like a scalping... but they do this with there kids too? No religion has the right to tell me what I can do with my body and life if I am not hurting someone else. But absolutely no religion or person has the right to abuse a child and someone has to step in, advocate and fight for the vulnerable ones in other Countries

Who will create a barrier or protect the innocence and vulnerable ones that are helpless against belief systems when the strong don't step in and fight for them. Fighting for peace and freedoms came to us through many different forms.  No Religion, Country, Race or Sex should abuse a child in the name of a deity while living in a democratic society. Abuse needs to be more defined and leaders need to have a back bone and just do it.

 If people don't like it, then leave. maybe democracy needs to be more defined too?

 I remember the history of our native Indian women as told by my friend and history books. Whose grandmother was picked up at the roadside as a baby during a march and no one really knows the heritage. Not really abandoned but a proud race whose parents died or were forced away. An impressive story of the struggles of a single woman all because the man abandoned her which still happens today. Her sick children at home and with no compassion from her slave labor her family suffered a great deal. Her story is in a museum! Women still get paid less then men in many cases, many lands still have genocide and women get mistreated and abandoned. In Africa a group started teaching older woman trades because they stayed in their communities, taught the younger ones, while the young men took the knowledge and new skills then ran to a better place to make their fortune. Notice the men were offered the education opportunity first.   

 So society's seems to go to extremes both ways in regards to insuring fertility rights and what ever you call protection of women.   Either castrate women, keep them obscure or have all the kids you want and keep them as sex objects? How do we protect children when men have 6 kids from different woman and cant support them? And vise versa?  Or how many times does a child get taken away because parental neglect or abuse before there secure in a loving home? There are women who drink/ drugs during pregnancy then the child is born in withdrawal or worse side effects, and we cant protect them because unborn have no rights... even though the mother intends to go full term. 

CHINESE FOOT BINDING  ---  4.5 BILLION Chinese Girls got  maimed and crippled for life (with up to 10% suffering death) by a cultural tradition continuing for a thousand years.".......what we do know is that the process of binding a foot was agonizing -- so painful that by some estimates one girl in 10 died of shock in the first few days......"

Where do we draw the line to what is acceptable piercings on our infants? Tattoos? What about the emotional violence we subject children too?  When is OK for a child to perform as a hooker, because it is just show business after all. And so many times Ive sat and listened to a parent whose a total goof and felt sorry for the kid who disappears to more verbal vomit. Is it a child's right  to grow up without the weapons we supply them with? We will fight for oil, but not for the vulnerable. Conditioning goes a long way.

No belief system honors humanity when they harm anothers future quality of life. Even in America we debate over what is acceptable to call a life, with freedom of choice.  Plastic surgery on a child does not compare to a mutilation which is unrecoverable. To look in opposite directions only leads to humanity going backwards in evolution.
Our next generation has seen the world becoming empty, stripped of resources and polluted in so many different ways from our attitudes.

What is the harm in love? Love does not harm another! Nothing to fight about if we let go of controlling one another.Our children deserve better!

Yemeni Child Bride Dies from Sex Bleeding 5 days after Forced Marriage

April 13, 2010

"A 13-year-old Yemeni child bride who bled to death shortly after marriage was tied down and forced to have sex by her husband, according to interviews with the child's mother, police and medical reports.
The girl's mother, Nijma Ahmed, 50, told the Associated Press that before her daughter lost consciousness, she said that her husband had tied her up and forced himself on her. "She looked like she was butchered," she said about her daughter's injuries.
A forensic report obtained by the AP showed that Assi's injuries were much more extensive, including extensive tearing around the vagina and rectum
The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen which has a strong tribal structure.

The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case of the country's "brides of death," many of whom are married off even before puberty.


March 29, 2010

According to the eGov web site Wales is going to spend £4.7 million in 2010 to implement a plan that will address all forms of violence against women that extend beyond domestic abuse and including so called 'honor based' violence, female genital mutilation and forced marriage --- a clear indication that such Muslim violence has escalated in Wales.
We shouldn't be surprise as nearly six years ago it was reported that the UK government spent £25.3 billion on domestic violence primarily caused by forced marriage, etc.
"According to the government’s Forced Marriage Unit, 65 percent of the reported cases involved Pakistanis and 25 percent Bangladeshi nationals.
...Meanwhile, a leading Islamic group admitted that more than 70 percent of marriages in the British Muslim community involving a foreign spouse have some element of coercion or force
...The report said the number of those who die in ‘honor killings’ every year may be far higher than the 12 estimated by the British home ministry. (Source)
وفقا لويلز الحكومة الإلكترونية موقع على شبكة الإنترنت هو ذاهب لقضاء £ 4700000 في عام 2010 على تنفيذ خطة من شأنها التصدي لكافة أشكال العنف ضد المرأة التي تتجاوز العنف المنزلي والعنف بما في ذلك ما يسمى ب "شرف بناء"، وختان الإناث والزواج القسري --- إشارة واضحة إلى أن العنف مسلم مثل تصاعد في ويلز.

لا ينبغي أن يكون مفاجأة حيث ما يقرب من ست سنوات أفيد أن حكومة المملكة المتحدة أنفقت £ 25300000000 بشأن العنف المنزلي لا سيما بسبب الزواج القسري، وما إلى ذلك

"ووفقا لوحدة الحكومة والزواج القسري، 65 في المئة من الحالات المبلغ عنها تشارك الباكستانيين و 25 في المئة المواطنين البنغلاديشيين.

... وفي الوقت نفسه، مجموعة رائدة الإسلامية اعترف بأن أكثر من 70 في المئة من الزيجات في المجتمع مسلم البريطانية التي تنطوي على الزوج الأجنبي لديها بعض عناصر الإكراه أو القوة

... وقال التقرير ان عدد الذين يموتون في "جرائم الشرف" في كل عام قد تكون أعلى بكثير من ال 12 حسب تقديرات وزارة الداخلية البريطانية. (المصدر)

"We educate our young people about the dangers of drugs or road safety but not, it seems, about domestic and ‘honor’-based violence and forced marriage, which will affect a quarter of all women in their lifetime and many men too,” he said." (Source)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
The purpose of FGM is to curb the sexual desire of girls and women and preserve their "sexual honor" before marriage. The massive mutilation is irreversible and extremely painful, and is usually done to young girls.
Practiced in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Oman, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, amongst others, FGM is carried out with knives, scissors, scalpels, pieces of glass or razor blades. The mutilation is usually done without anesthetics. Instruments are usually not sterile. Mortality is high.
The practice has dreadful costs: many girls die afterwards, the survivors suffer their whole life from the psychological and medical consequences of the operation. All are traumatized and suffer from adverse health effects during marriage and pregnancy.
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The content of this site consists of my own personal research and opinions (occasionally information and opinions from others). In addition, the thoughts and opinions of participants are welcome so often information may be adjusted; this web space is intended to provide information for support purposes.

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