Monday, February 13, 2012



If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. - Mother Theresa

Some don't see it
 or maybe they don't understand what to look for?
Dare to look out and search the sky that you may find inner peace.

Many don't know there being abused, so they get conditioned ... what if others may not believe  you because they trust those wonderful people, they go onto say it was just harmless fun, or another reasonable explanation! WRONG...  once the doubts set in and then the silence starts, are your  supports shutting down and fail you from many directions?  Do you doubt yourself?

Keeping a journal of your feelings or points of importance, helps you to look at your situations from a safe objective view from time to time. Thereby helping whenever you need to review and make decisions in your life. You will see things  more clearly and find more reality in your lives. Keeping them private means you’re not being pressured from anyone else. You don’t ever need to feel alone, invisible, or guilty for looking outside and wanting to open doors to get outside yourself. Your reality matters, your voice and feelings count. You will see your progress! Just a little space in life, for you!


Abuse can take many forms, including physical, psychological, emotional, verbal, or financial abuse

I personally don't always believe that things will change for the better when we stay silent.
I may loose my voice... but I will always have a voice!
I hope this site feeds your sole with the things you personally  need in order to love... so that you may share that same love with others.

Looking at things from opposite windows,
we may see each others lives,

better yet to touch one another standing side by side

  If even just one person reads and this helps ... all was not in vain.

I share the following research to heal from past experiences, and share the hope of others healing if they were emotionally abused from cheating partners.

This information can also apply to a religion, a belief system, organizations, work ethics, family, friends because their may be a pattern.

Cheating doesn’t just have to be about affairs or lovers. Cheating covers a variety of deceptions.

Your actions or choices will effect the people around you. Yes you may be surprised at how many people admire you, like your children, no matter the age, our sons and daughters learn from us and are effected.

Do you feel like the people around you respect you?
Do you know what healthy respect represents?
When ever you see a unhealthy pattern,and the air turns stale, It is time to stretch out the kinks and awaken with some fresh air.
 What is unhealthy anyways?
 Some people have lived a sheltered or separate environment from others so there is a vale .
Do you ask yourself is it you? Enough already, time to look outside of you !!!
Has you partner ever avoided or minimized straight forward clear questions, or do they treat you differently privately than in public?
Are you afraid to ask questions because you don't want to find out the things you don't want to here?
 Do you get out on your own?

To quote an afghan woman " Because you can feel me I can feel myself again"  

There are many more pages for steps to recovery on these sites. I was unable to add more pages on this blog. Has the same info, just different format.

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