Why Search for Truth?

Why the need to know truth?

  We need to know how to protect ourselves from thieves.
I thought this site had good information I wanted to pass on and share.
Peeling back the layers to be whole and get to the truth.
  Be true to yourself and others!

Integrity, dignity are everyone's right!

Keep an open mind and keep asking questions!

The truth hurts but deception hurts more; let's end the lies!
Put your mind at ease; join and register your relationships at www.cheateralert.com.

Together we can bring honesty back into the dating and relationship world.

Blind eyes and trusting souls. A recipe for disaster unless you just happen to have caught the attention of a truly good and honest soul. Trust is good and right. But fool-hardy, rash decisions based on only what you have been told by your partner and his family just might not cut the muster.

 They are the thieves that you invite into your homes and lives. In some cases, you are the unwitting spouse or partner.
Perhaps the business partner or maybe this person is a parent or family member.

The thieves that rob you of your innocence, trust, finances and good will. Only to be faced with uncertainty, tears and unimaginable pain and scars. In most cases, you’re left alive. Trying to scramble and pickup the pieces of your shattered life. What makes these individuals any better. We need to have a zero tolerance for these kind of actions.

For certain, there are others who remain beneath the radar because their crimes are hidden or the lies too believable.   One victim is one too many.

She was afraid to look at internet but saw the light

Response from a person who logged onto a Facebook page called the Path To Peace-Recovery From Psychopathic Manipulation and Abuse    “I’m not very good at expressing or even making sense of the full picture, I’m afraid to look at it. I was never a big fan of the internet, all related to him, but this page and others have turned the light on.....so quite simply....thanks

Why Psychopaths are so hard to spot

From the site - wakingyouup

different articles and stories that might explain how disordered personalities might blend into society whereas those who are neurotic maybe be labelled with illnesses they don’t even have.

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