Writing so people
can look at things from another view is harmless
and gives us a better perspective... we make a choice. But when I see
who throw insults to defend themselves without
looking at all the facts or where there going I don't follow because
there bound to hit something.. Your views are important and Id like to
see all sides unless your one of the people who don't look .
Sports History
do we know if the a trainer is actually hurting the childrens future if
training causes deforming injuries and tendon stress? Example!
I was in Yoga the instructor could tell I was a dancer so I needed to
adjust my stature a bit ... and when the doctors told me that even Wayne
Gretzky had to retire that's never going to happen. But according to
my physical rehab worker it is a good thing I never continued
professional dancing and she told me about how Andre Kirk Agassi and
other athletes suffered from pain.
Agassi wrote a book on this and he actually hated tennis because it took over his life. When
Agassi was 9 his father stepped in and told Brown that he could play
his son and he would put up his house for the wager. Thus the influence
some of the parents and pressures of a child ."I know this for myself –
it's something you've done since you were six
years old, and there's a sense that if you stop giving 100% you are
doomed to failure, and that is unacceptable. No wonder so many players
hate their sport – the surprise is that so few admit it." - Agassi
need to win can become a miserable addiction.A terrible fear of failure
is one reason the life of the sports star can
be rather less than the realization of a beautiful dream. But there are
others: horrendous training schedules, endless travel, foul fans,
boredom and lack of privacy. So maybe it is the pro athletes and past
child beauty queens that should be expressing themselves if children are
being pushed too hard and if they felt abused.
movement repeated so many times, even hundreds of
One set of movements practiced for five years. Notice the coach is
equipped with hr slap stick?
Sports has been a way for people to increase their mastery of nature and
the environment stemming from our roots. The past sports can teach us a great deal
of resourcefulness and social changes.We
still honor the skills of the late great athletes or warriors, even the first Olympic Games continue
to this day. There were rough, and sometimes violent, sports to more gentile sports for the upper class.
Today sports
and other activities for
children should give them many important individual skills and/or team
building experience, making exercise or competitions
an enjoyable social event and laying healthy foundations for their
future. In Thailand
there are parks where families can spend time every morning doing tie
there are even long horizontal bars for stretching out. In Canada I’m
use to seeing kids more on
the internet than with their family spending time together in
recreational activities,
but that is just from my perspective. Least our schools involve children
in a
variety of activities that some other children may not have
to be involved in. Because some sports or competitions can be quite
costly, and
many hours of dedication may need to be invested, so there is a lot of
time to stay busy and out of trouble for children. There is a lot of
good coming from sports and other competitions
towards a better future. But I don’t like looking at the hours of pain;
the pressures
from parents, the diets, that harm their body and minds. The messages
giving to our children.
Curled toes cramping, the pain of stretching muscles causes the
child to cry loudly. Coach Xia says this is what a gymnast trainer must
endure. The trainer is pressing the limbs?
What is going over the line and abuse! What can be done ?
Your child is being abused when someone uses his or her power or
position to harm them emotionally, physically, or sexually or as a
result of neglect.This is an excellent reference and to the point I would like to direct you to.
sports we see as acceptable like dancing, wrestling,
gymnastics while others are seen as unacceptable like children
Should parents be the judge where the line is crossed as to what
abuse? For instance a TV show (dance moms) profits off exploiting
children when a showing us a women who screams
insults at children to get the best results for dance competitions. They
win!!!! This bullying was going on for years and now we promote her as
well as reward them all in watching them continue?
Emotional Abuse
- Is a verbal attack on a child's self esteem by a person in a position of power, authority, or trust such as a parent or coach
- Occurs even if the attack is intended as a form of discipline or is not intended by the adult to cause harm
- Students and Parents should be requested to treat others as they would expect to be treated themselves.
Because of this treatment, impressionable children now know that it is OK to be verbally insulted
or emotionally targeted despite what schools and anti-bullying campaigns are trying to portray. If this is allowed to
continue aren’t we sending a clear message to children we don’t mean what we
say and they have nowhere to go for help? No such thing as child protection, no
such thing as safety from bullies, no such thing as accountability. Or is ongoing
and purposely hurtful degradation acceptable behavior when it is for the
purpose of sport, competitions, or contests and entertainment?
DANCE MOMS! When a parent was asked “What would you do if your
daughter decided she didn’t want to dance anymore?” The Mom’s
answer…”Slit my wrists.”!!!!! What!? Really? And combined with an 8 year
old showing us how beautiful suicide was in her dance routine?
I boycott shows that I feel exploit children and I’m ashamed a woman
who cannot dance herself, yet can emotionally abuse children with her
words and more people are getting off on it? Suicide dance for an 8
year old? Reminds me of how circus animals were trained to be something
unnatural for them. Kids are impressionable sponges and suicide needs to
be seen in the proper context.When a mom adds that she would slit her
wrists? A path to disaster…
A quote from Abby was if you never… blah blah keep your mouth shut.
My personal response is don’t flatter yourself! Yes I could if I wanted
to and same goes for goes you. If you don’t have child psychology keep
your mouth shut, if you have never seen a child who grew up emotionally
abused keep your mouth shut , if you never dealt with suicide zip it!
Because I have and that’s why I speak out. If people choose not to
listen, or throw insults at you to power trip then all the best,
goodby!. As a confident adult I can ignore insults as meaningless with a
smile, but not a child. Shouldn’t we all have balance when it comes to
children. And were talking about verbal abuse being a weapon of control
when men yell at a woman so why is it any different when an adult
insults a child??? Mix messages or what?
Note: I watched one show.. it was when someone else yelled back at
the instructor and the instructor shook in her boots and called the
police saying the lady was hostile. Mirror mirror on the wall…. whose
the biggest hypocrite of them all. All of us! Mike Agassi reportedly
banged on the fences with a hammer during Andre’s matches when his son
lost a point, screamed at officials and was ejected more than once. Such
is life! We all get excited.
Social Service for Child Protection?????
adapted how circus entertainment
uses animals.Yet we still parade our children the same way with the
that draws an audience for the highest ratings. In sports, we mold them
detail to develop their skills of balance and coordination. So where do
we draw
the line to what is abuse, and shouldn’t this be more defined? What is
the boundary abut following a restricted diet for sports ?
Boxing is now acceptable when a child hits a child because
it is all in sport with safety precautions. Hockey is getting some attention
over violence, despite safety measures men are getting tragically hurt so how do we protect our children ?
do we let other adults be left alone with a trainer to do whatever they
want to do to our children while we do nothing but drop them off when
there being taught? School teachers
are abusing kids, and this went on for years, yet we trust based on
their positions in life and the winning results. Don't drop off your
kids and leave without checking....
even know a
parent who wrote in the paper that she was angry at the pools
lifeguards. When
she dropped off her child outside the pool the mother claimed her child
was touched inappropriately in the
open showers. Lifeguards are busy watching kids in the pool, they have
situations come up they need to be involved in so IF there was a
pedophile it
seems obvious that person would take advantage of the situation. What if
this was the family change room,people cannot see through doors. So
how stupid
of the parent to not look at her own ineptitude and neglect to protect
her child. Especially insinuating the fact she was singled out for
being poor. How does a lifeguard distinguish being poor in a bathing
know its hard to get
anyone to listen and believe you when you make noise to protect your
children. Especially when your concerns have been hurting your child and
the complaint has only other children, or no witness and your child is
exhibiting signs of stress or abuse. I
know how it feels to get undermined and your kids will also pay a price
when no
one likes your message… I know. That is why I am
writing and trying to speak about this for other peoples children. My
sons are
grown and we all know the truth, that is when people finally take
notice, that
is if you even want to return to that dark place in your life.I feel we
need government or laws to protect children that are actually enforced.
I have said this before... keep a journal, even short and sweet chicken
scratch because even in years to come this is a legal document you can
use in court (use your own handwriting, not typed or reprinted).
Youth boxing.
August 30th, 2011
American and Canadian pediatricians have condemned youth
boxing. In a new policy paper, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the
Canadian Pediatric Society argue that the risk of concussion is too great for
children’s developing brains. Because boxing is not exclusive to those with
money, this has helped financially challenged kids stay out of gangs. But boxing
is a sport which requires intentional blows to the head and torso. Repeated
concussions can lead to seizures, dementia, and mess up brain processing
abilities. So do we say it’s OK to
continue because we don’t want those kids in the streets? We need a balance,
children are our future and if we don’t invest we all pay a higher price later!
children seek the same approval and have the same
need to have validation as adults, without the proper self awareness
there more at risk. They eventually learn the boundaries we model for
so why would adults glorify a child being exploited, physically harmed
or verbally abused? Because we are being entertained? They are like
sponges that will soak up what anything we introduce them to. Babies
learn how to get our attention early by crying which is the only way
they know how to communicate, then gain better methods to gain attention
even if
the attention is by acting out. Parenting is approving the moments
when they have no words not just the moments that children draw
approval by winning, being better, or on a birthday.
A child's diet, what is abuse?
I am in the store at 7:45 a.m. and a large woman comes in with 2
small children and she buys all of them sugar laced drinks, pop, chips, the
kids dive into their candies and start eating. At breakfast? The adult
and children were not just unfit; they were obese to the point where health
problems would develop later on if they were not at least aware of a healthier
lifestyle choice. I thought of all the teasing the kids have to put up with in school, as kids will tease
for anything from what their name is to there size and how hard it is on their
developing esteem. No matter how much adults try to teach acceptance it was
obvious to me the different challenges she could face in her future if she continued to eat
and dress like her mother (or Grandma).
If she had a medical
condition the sugar, artificial garbage
was not helping. Both their t-shirts didn’t cover their stomachs, her
tight pants showed a crack when she bent. I know that one of the ways a
woman feels better about herself is to at least dress comfortable in
cloths as well as wear clothing that compliments. I was low income, and
my child lost or ruined almost everything so there is no excuse for
neglecting to cover therm properly. Being
on a low income at one time I remember children with no blankets, no
food just
after pay day and yet these parents made more money or had supports I
had. Yes, in school the kids who may end up teasing will be shot down
picking on this poor kid if they shoot her down over her weight. What a set up!
So for all us adults, what are we teaching our children when we
see overweight people tear apart thin people just to defend their bodies and
life styles when there really is nothing to defend because they truly are
beautiful, I am jealous over there curves. So why be so mean and discriminating
when its not right for thin people to do this either? I mean the bashing is
really insulting and degrading both ways. We all have remarkable bodies that it
seems no wonder men could never make up their minds, it is how we wear our
bodies and feel about ourselves that reflects on what we dress like. Yes I see
thin people get torn down just because they get on the photos but if it didn’t
sell it wouldn’t be popular so the pressure is on to be thin. Let woman use
their assets, use their brains, their wit, and their strengths and if you don’t
have something someone else has why put them down for this? If you’re concerned
for someone’s well-being that is different, and insults don’t help them it can
make things worse. So back to the overweight children, I almost did mouth off the mother but because
I was working and in a volatile situation I couldn’t. I wonder what people
think compared to what people do to help a child in danger? The children are being abused as far as I am concerned.
I was at a hospital for children that dealt with emotional
issues of children and the families, and a young girl of nine was starving herself
and almost died. It took months for her to drink out of a straw progressing to
mush. When we left she deteriorated and I heard she went back onto intervenes feeding.
You know that the parent was mad and frustrated, he didn’t understand why his
daughter was doing this. The mother had no clue the little 9 year old was
starving herself. So why do we leave our children with expectations to be
perfect or none at all so much, so that they hurt themselves not eating, or
overeating. I’m sure you know an adult
who has ideals they enforce onto their children because of sports, beauty pageants,
and personal beliefs about dietary needs.
But in the end, yes I personally believe it is abuse when we deliberately don't
insure our children are getting the nutrition they specifically need, (as we all
have different dietary needs), to the point where it is effecting there overall
health. I won’t get into digging through garbage to feed a child in great
detail either; there is a religion that actively practices this.
Neglect is a chronic inattention
to the basic necessities of life such as supervision, medical and
dental care, adequate rest, safe environment, exercise, and fresh air.
Brooke Shields at 10 years old, mothers contract took
president over her daughters. There are more seductive images out in the
public but I don't want to post them here. I would like to draw
attention to the question...At what point do we draw the line for
publicly displaying or exploiting a child when it comes to art,
entertainment, pageants, sports?

In Brooke's Shields childhood: her showbiz-obsessed, alcoholic mother, Teri,
allowed Brooke to pose naked when she was just 10. At 12, she played a child
prostitute in Louis Malle's film Pretty Baby. At 14, she was on the cover of
Vogue. In 1978, when Brooke was just 13, her mother said, 'Like any beautiful
painting, I think the world should enjoy Brooke and view her.' So her mother
put her masterpiece (daughter) for sale.
Tate museum had a public nude display of a 10 year old Brooke Shields and
she couldn’t do anything about it because her mother had legally signed her
off. As with any artwork that contains challenging imagery, Tate sought legal
advice and evaluated the situation. They only took measures to inform visitors
of the nature of the work, providing information outlining the intentions of
the artist. Which was easily twisted with artful words as well. “This is an
important work by Richard Prince which has been publicly exhibited on a number
of occasions, with more of Prince's major retrospective, Spiritual America, at
the Guggenheim in New York."
What the Tate failed to mention is that Prince's show at the Guggenheim in
New York put the same photo in the immediate context of other
exploitive advertising images, but the photo at the Tate stood out of context
in its own room, in the immediate vicinity of explicit sexual pieces featuring
Today Brooke Shields try’s to instill in her daughters the sense that
there's something more to life than what's on the outside.' And gives her
daughters positive reinforcement without being on display.
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